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C Programming Tutorial

Chapter – 0 Introduction & Getting started
0.1 Why Programming Language?
0.2 Why do we need Translator?
0.3 About C programming language
0.4 Language fundamentals part-1
0.5 C language coding part 1
0.6 Classifications of Languages
0.7 What is C
0.8 Basic Programming (Assigning statements):
0.9 Write the total C program
10 Executing a C program and some modifications
11 Differences
12 Examples for practice
13 Comments in C language
14 Computer memory
15 Character representation in computer memory
16 Type conversion and typecasting
17 Formatting the output using printf(), floating point numbers,Escape sequences
18 Trigraph/Digraph characters (Not for Turbo C)
19 Need of conditional execution and Control structures
20 if-else conditional control structure
21 Need of logical operators
22 Need of nested if-else control structure
23 Else-if ladder
24 Conditional or turnery operators
25 The switch-case control structure & points to remember
26 Goto
27 Looping control structures in C Language
28 While iterative control structure
29 For iterative control structure
30 Nested looping
31 Increment/Decrement operators
32 Break,Flag,Continue
33 my practice post
35 Introduction to arrays
36 Storing elements into an array using a "for" loop
37 array examples for loop
38 arrays : Specification9-12
39 arrays:Specification13-16
40 arrays: Specification17-20
41 Two dimensional array (Matrix)
42 2D-Specification(5-9)
43 2D-Specification(10-13)
44 2D-Specification14 & Multi dimensional arrays
45 Functions
46 functions (point5-7)
47 Returning a value to the calling function
48 Function calling statement - upto specification 6
49 functions - Specification(7-13)
50 Sending an array as an argument
51 Recursion, Visibility and scope of variables,Local variables
52 Global variables,Block variables,Storage classes,static
19 Need of conditional execution and Control structures
53 extern, register, Constant variable
54 Preprocessor directives in C language, Rules in writing preprocessor statements ,Types of preprocessor statements, Macro substitution , Execution , Macro as a part of program, Macro with arguments, Method1
55 functions Method2, Include statements, Creating our own header file, Conditional compilation statements
56 Pointers, Characteristics of a variable
57 pointer Specification1, Pass by reference
58 Pointer representation to a single dimensional array, Execution, Pointer array
59 Pointer representation to a two dimensional array (matrix), Sending the matrix as an argument, Returning a pointer, Returning the address of a variable, Returning the address of an array/Returning an array from the function
60 void pointer, Dynamic memory allocation, Specification1
61 pointer:Realloc(), Specification1
62 Strings :Character array, Accepting a string from the keyboard, Printing the string
63 strings :strlen(), strrev(), strcpy()
64 strings :strcat(), strcmp(), Accepting a line of text
65 strings :gets()
66 User defined types: struct, Defining a structure, Creating a variable, Initializing while declaration of a structure variable
67 User defined type : Array of structure variables, Structure within another structure, Pointer to a structure variable
68 User defined type :Union, Union as generic type, Enum
69 User defined type: Bitfields
70 Input Output in C language : C language provides number of pre-defined function to perform input and output operations, Console I/O
71 Input and output in c language : File I/O, Data files in C language, fclose()
72 Input and output of c language: rewind()
73 Input and output of c language : Formatted text file, fprintf(), fscanf(), feof()
74 Input and output of c language : Binary file, fread(), fputs()
75 Input and output of c language : fgets(), fseek()