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Tuesday 27 April 2021

C language modulur programming 3


Developing Programs in C

The process for developing a program in C may not be obvious if you’ve never written a program before. It’s very similar to many other situations in life where it just isn’t clear how you’re going to achieve your objective when you first start out. Normally you begin with a rough idea of what you want to achieve, but you need to translate this into a more precise specification of what you want. Once you’ve reached this more precise specification, you can work out the series of steps that will lead to your final objective. Having the idea that you want to build a house just isn’t enough. You need to know what kind of house you want, how large it’s going to be, what kinds of materials you have to build it with, and where you want to build it. You will also want to know how long it’s going to take and the likely cost. This kind of detailed planning is also necessary when you want to write a program. Let’s go through the basic steps that you need to follow when you’re writing a program. The house analogy is useful, so I’ll work with it for a while.

Understanding the Problem

The first step is to get a clear idea of what you want to do. It would be lunacy to start building your house before you had established what facilities it should provide: how many bedrooms, how many bathrooms, how big it’s going to be, and so on. All these things affect the cost in terms of materials and the work involved in building the house. Generally it comes down to a compromise that best meets your needs within the constraints of the money, the workforce, and the time that’s available for you to complete the project.

It’s the same with developing a program of any size. Even for a relatively straightforward problem, you need to know what kind of input to expect, how the input is to be processed, and what kind of output is required—and how it’s going to look. The input could be entered with the keyboard, but it might also involve data from a disk file or information obtained over a telephone line or a network. The output could simply be displayed on the screen, or it could be printed; perhaps it might involve writing a new disk file updating an existing file.

For more complex programs, you’ll need to look at many more aspects of what the program is going to do. A clear definition of the problem that your program is going to solve is an essential part of understanding the resources and effort that are going to be needed for the creation of a finished product. Considering these details also forces you to establish whether the project is actually feasible. A lack of precision and detail in the specifications for a new program has often resulted in a project taking much longer and costing much more than planned. There are many instances of projects being abandoned for this reason.

Detailed Design

To get the house built, you’ll need detailed plans. These plans enable the construction workers to do their jobs and the plans describe in detail how the house will go together—the dimensions, the materials to use, and so on. You’ll also need a plan of what is to be done and when. For example, you’ll want the foundation dug before the walls are built, so the plan must involve segmenting the work into manageable units to be performed in a logical sequence.

It’s the same with a program. You need to specify what the program does by dividing it into a set of well-defined and manageable chunks that are reasonably self-contained. You also need to detail the way in which these chunks connect, as well as what information each chunk will need when it executes. This will enable you to develop the logic of each chunk relatively independently from the rest of the program. If you treat a large program as one huge process that you try to code as a single chunk, chances are that you’ll never get it to work.


Given the detailed design of a house, the work can begin. Each group of construction workers will need to complete its part of the project at the right time. Each stage will need to be inspected to check that it’s been done properly before the next stage begins. Omitting these checks could easily result in the whole house collapsing.

Of course, if a program is large and you are writing it all yourself, you’ll write the source code one unit at a time. As one part is completed, you can write the code for the next. Each part will be based on the detailed design specifications, and you’ll verify that each piece works, as much as you can, before proceeding. In this way, you’ll gradually progress to a fully working program that does everything you originally intended.

A large programming project usually involves a team of programmers. The project is divided into relatively self-contained units that can be allocated among the members of the team. This allows several units of code to be developed concurrently. The interface between one unit of code and the rest of the program must be precisely defined if the units are going to connect together as a whole.


The house is complete, but there are a lot of things that need to be tested: the drainage, the water and electricity supplies, the heating, and so on. Any one of these areas can have problems that the contractors need to go back and fix. This is sometimes an iterative process, in which problems with one aspect of the house can be the cause of things going wrong somewhere else.

The mechanism with a program is similar. Each of your program modules—the pieces that make up your program—will need to be tested individually. When they don’t work properly, you need to debug them. Debugging is the process of finding and correcting errors in your program. This term is said to have originated in the days when finding the errors in a program involved tracing where the information went and how it was processed inside the computer by using the circuit diagram for the machine. The story goes that in one instance it was discovered that a computer program error was caused by an insect shorting part of a circuit in the computer. The problem was caused by a bug. Subsequently, the term bug was used to refer to any error in a program.

With a simple program, you can often find an error simply by inspecting the code. In general, though, the process of debugging usually involves using a debugger that inserts code temporarily for working out what happened when things go wrong. This includes breakpoints where execution pauses to allow you to inspect values in your code. You can also step through a program a statement at a time. If you don’t have a debugger, adding extra program code to produce output that will enable you to check what the sequence of events is and what intermediate values are produced when a program executes. With a large program, you’ll also need to test the program modules in combination because, although the individual modules may work, there’s no guarantee that they’ll work together! The jargon for this phase of program development is integration testing.

Functions and Modular Programming

The word function has appeared a few times so far in this chapter with reference to main(), printf(), function body, and so on. Let’s explore what functions are in a little more depth and why they’re important.

Most programming languages, including C, provide a way of breaking up a program into segments, each of which can be written more or less independently of the others. In C these segments are called functions. The program code in the body of one function is insulated from that of other functions. A function will have a specific interface to the outside world in terms of how information is transferred to it and how results generated by the function are transmitted back from it. This interface is specified in the first line of the function, where the function name appears.

Figure 1-3 shows a simple example of a program to analyze baseball scores that is composed of four functions.

Each of the four functions does a specific, well-defined job. Overall control of the sequence of operations in the program is managed by one module, main(). There is a function to read and check the input data and another function to do the analysis. Once the data have been read and analyzed, a fourth function has the task of outputting the team and player rankings.

Segmenting a program into manageable chunks is a very important aspect to programming, so let’s go over the reasons for doing this:

       It allows each function to be written and tested separately. This greatly simplifies the process of getting the total program to work.

       Several separate functions are easier to handle and understand than one huge function.

       Libraries are just sets of functions that people tend to use all the time. Because they’ve been prewritten and pretested, you know that they work, so you can use them without worrying about their code details. This will accelerate your program development by allowing you to concentrate on your own code, and it’s a fundamental part of the philosophy of C. The richness of the libraries greatly amplifies the power of the language.

       You can accumulate your own libraries of functions that are applicable to the sort of programs that you’re interested in. If you find yourself writing a particular function frequently, you can write a generalized version of it to suit your needs and build this into your own library. Then, whenever you need to use that particular function, you can simply use your library version.

       In the development of large programs, which can vary from a few thousand to millions of lines of code, development can be undertaken by teams of programmers, with each team working with a defined subgroup of the functions that make up the whole program.

You’ll learn about C functions in greater detail in Chapter 8. Because the structure of a C program is inherently functional, you’ve already been introduced to one of the standard library functions in one of this chapter’s earliest examples: the function printf().

Note in some other programming languages, the term method is used to refer to a self-contained unit of code. thus method means essentially the same as function. // Program 1.7 A longer program

#include                 // Include the header file for input and output

int main(void)


  printf("Hi there!\n\n\nThis program is a bit");

  printf(" longer than the others.");

  printf("\nBut really it's only more text.\n\n\n\a\a");   printf("Hey, wait a minute!! What was that???\n\n");

  printf("\t1.\tA bird?\n");   printf("\t2.\tA plane?\n");   printf("\t3.\tA control character?\n");

  printf("\n\t\t\b\bAnd how will this look when it prints out?\n\n");

  return 0;



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