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Tuesday 27 April 2021

C language 02


Preprocessing Directives

Look at the following line of code:


#include <stdio.h>                      // This is a preprocessor directive


This is not strictly part of the executable program, but it is essential in this case—in fact, the program won’t work without it. The symbol # indicates this is a preprocessing directive, which is an instruction to your compiler to do something before compiling the source code. The compiler handles these directives during an initial preprocessing phase before the compilation process starts. There are quite a few preprocessing directives, and there are usually some at the beginning of the program source file, but they can be anywhere.

In this case, the compiler is instructed to “include” in your program the contents of the file with the name stdio.h. This file is called a header file, because it’s usually included at the head of a program source file. In this case the header file defines information about some of the functions that are provided by the standard C library but, in general, header files specify information that the compiler uses to integrate any predefined functions or other global objects within a program. You’ll be creating your own header files for use with your programs. In this case, because you’re using the printf() function from the standard library, you have to include the stdio.h header file. This is because stdio.h contains the information that the compiler needs to understand what printf() means, as well as other functions that deal with input and output. As such, its name, stdio, is short for standard input/output.  All header files in C have file names with the extension .h. You’ll use other standard header files later in the book.

Note header file names are case sensitive on some systems, so you should always write them in lowercase  in #include directives.

Every C compiler that conforms to the C11 standard will have a set of standard header files supplied with it. These header files primarily contain declarations relating to standard library functions and macros that are available with C. Although all C compilers that conform with the standard will support the same basic set of capabilities and will have the same set of mandatory standard header files available, there are standard header files that are optional, and in some cases extra library functions can be provided with a particular compiler that may not be available with other compilers that will typically provide functionality specific to the type of computer on which the compiler runs.

Note all the standard header files are listed in appendix e.

Defining the main() Function

The next five statements define the function main():


int main(void)                          // This identifies the function main() {                                       // This marks the beginning of main()   printf("Beware the Ides of March!");  // This line outputs a quotation

  return 0;                             // This returns control to the operating system

}                                       // This marks the end of main()


A function is just a named block of code between braces that carries out some specific set of operations. Every C program consists of one or more functions, and every C program must contain a function called main()—the reason being that a program always starts execution from the beginning of this function. So imagine that you’ve created, compiled, and linked a file called progname.exe. When you execute this program, the operating system executes the function main() for the program.

The first line of the definition for the function main() is as follows:


int main(void)             // This identifies the function main()


This defines the start of main(). Notice that there is no semicolon at the end of the line. The first line identifying this as the function main() has the word int at the beginning. What appears here defines the type of value to be returned by the function, and the word int signifies that main() returns an integer value. The integer value that is returned when the execution of main() ends represents a code that is returned to the operating system that indicates the program state. You end execution of main() and specify the value to be returned in this statement:


return 0;                  // This returns control to the operating system


This is a return statement that ends execution of main() and returns the value 0 to the operating system. You return a zero value from main() to indicate that the program terminated normally; a nonzero value would indicate an abnormal return, which means things did not proceed as they should have when the program ended.

??= converts to #

??( converts to [

??) converts to ]

??/ converts to \

??< converts to {

??> converts to }

??' converts to ^

??! converts to |

??- converts to ~


In C, a keyword is a word with special significance, so you must not use keywords for any other purpose in your program. For this reason, keywords are also referred to as reserved words. In the preceding example, int is a keyword and void and return are also keywords. C has several keywords, and you’ll become familiar with more of them as you learn more of the language. You’ll find a complete list of C keywords in Appendix C.

The Body of a Function

The general structure of the function main() is illustrated in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. Structure of the function main()

The function body is the bit between the opening and closing braces that follows the line where the function name appears. The function body contains all the statements that define what the function does. The example’s main() function has a very simple function body consisting of just two statements:


{                                       // This marks the beginning of main()   printf("Beware the Ides of March!");  // This line outputs a quotation

  return 0;                             // This returns control to the operating system

}                                       // This marks the end of main()


Every function must have a body, although the body can be empty and just consist of the opening and closing braces without any statements between them. In this case, the function will do nothing.

You may wonder what use a function that does nothing is? Actually, this can be very useful when you’re developing a program that will have many functions. You can declare the set of (empty) functions that you think you’ll need to write to solve the problem at hand, which should give you an idea of the programming that needs to be done, and then gradually create the program code for each function. This technique helps you to build your program in a logical and incremental manner.

Note You can see that i’ve aligned the braces one below the other in program 1.3 and indented the statements between them. i’ve done this to make it clear where the block of statements that the braces enclose starts and finishes. Statements between braces are usually indented by a fixed amount—usually two or more spaces—so that the braces stand out. this is good programming style, because it allows the statements within a block to be readily identified.

There are other styles for arranging braces in code. For example:


int main(void)  {

  printf("Beware the Ides of March!");    // This line outputs a quotation

  return 0; }

Tip With whatever style you use to arrange your source code, the most important thing is to apply it consistently.

Outputting Information

The body of the main() function in the example includes a statement that calls the printf() function:


printf("Beware the Ides of March!");      // This line outputs a quotation


As I’ve said, printf() is a standard library function, and it outputs information to the command line (actually the standard output stream, which is the command line by default) based on what appears between the parentheses that immediately follow the function name. In this case, the call to the function displays the simple piece of Shakespearean advice that appears between the double quotes; a string of characters between double quotes like this is called a string literal. Notice that this line does end with a semicolon.

Function Arguments

Items enclosed between the parentheses following a function name, as with the printf() function in the previous statement, are called arguments, and they specify data that are to be passed to the function. When there is more than one argument to a function, they must be separated by commas.

In the previous example the argument to the function is the text string between double quotes. If you don’t like the quotation that is specified here, you could display something else by simply including your own choice of words enclosed within double quotes inside the parentheses. For instance, you might prefer a line from Macbeth:


printf("Out, damned Spot! Out I say!");


Try using this in the example. When you’ve modified the source code, you need to compile and link the program again before executing it.

Note as with all executable statements in C (as opposed to defining or directive statements) the printf() line must have a semicolon at the end. a very common error when you first start programming in C is to forget the semicolon.

Control Characters

You could alter the program to display two sentences on separate lines using a single printf() statement. Try typing in the following code:


// Program 1.4 Another Simple C Program - Displaying a Quotation

#include <stdio.h>


int main(void)


  printf("My formula for success?\nRise early, work late, strike oil.\n");

  return 0;



The output from this program looks like this:

My formula for success? Rise early, work late, strike oil.

Look at the printf() statement. After the first sentence and at the end of the text, you’ve inserted the characters \n. The combination \n is another escape sequence that represents a newline character. This causes the output cursor to move to the next line, so any subsequent output will start on a new line.

The backslash (\) is always of special significance in a text string because it indicates the start of an escape sequence. The character following the backslash indicates what character the escape sequence represents. In the case of \n, it’s n for newline, but there are plenty of other possibilities. Because a backslash itself is of special significance, you need a way to specify a backslash in a text string. To do this, you simply use two backslashes: \\. Type in the following program:


// Program 1.5 Another Simple C Program - Displaying Great Quotations

#include <stdio.h>


int main(void)


  printf("\"It is a wise father that knows his own child.\"\nShakespeare\n");

  return 0;



The output displays the following text:

"It is a wise father that knows his own child."


The double quotes are output because you use escape sequences for them in the string. Shakespeare appears on the next line because there is a \n escape sequence following the \".


programming in C

You can use the \a escape sequence in an output string to sound a beep to signal something interesting or important. Enter and run the following program:

// Program 1.6 A Simple C Program – Important

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)


  printf("Be careful!!\n\a");

  return 0; }

The output of this program is sound and vision. Listen closely and you should hear the beep through the speaker in your computer.

Be careful!!

The \a sequence represents the “bell” character. Table 1-1 shows all the escape sequences that you can use.

Table 1-1. Escape Sequences

Escape sequence       Description

\n                                              Represents a newline character

\r                                              Represents a carriage return

\b                                             Represents a backspace

\f                                               Represents a form-feed character

\t                                               Represents a horizontal tab

\v                                             Represents a vertical tab

\a                                              Inserts a bell (alert) character

\?                                             Inserts a question mark (?)

\"                                             Inserts a double quote (")

\'                                               Inserts a single quote (')

\\                                              Inserts a backslash (\)

Try displaying different lines of text on the screen and alter the spacing within that text. You can put words on different lines using \n, and you can use \t to space the text. You’ll get a lot more practice with these as you progress through the book.

Trigraph Sequences

In general you can use a question mark directly in a string. The \? escape sequence only exists because there are nine special sequences of characters called trigraph sequences that are three-characters sequences for representing each of the characters #, [,], \, ^, ~, \, {, and }:

These are there for when it is necessary to write C code in the International Organization for Standardization  ISO invariant code set, which does not have these characters. This is unlikely to apply to you. You can completely forget about all this unless you want to write a statement such as:



The output produced by this statement will be:


The trigraph ??! will be converted to |. To get the output you intended, you need to write the statement as:



Now the trigraph sequence does not appear because the second question mark is specified by its escape sequence. Your compiler may well issue a warning when you use a trigraph sequence because usually it is unintended.

The Preprocessor

In the example I explained how you use a preprocessing directive to include the contents of a header file into your source file. The preprocessing phase of compilation can do much more than this. As well as directives, your source file can contain macros. A macro is an instruction to the preprocessor to add to or modify the C statements in the program. A macro can be something as simple as defining a symbol, such as INCHES_PER_FOOT to be replaced by  12 wherever the symbol appears. The directive to do this is:


#define INCHES_PER_FOOT 12


With this directive at the beginning of your source file, wherever INCHES_PER_FOOT appears in the code, it will be replaced by 12. For example:


printf("There are %d inches in a foot.\n", INCHES_PER_FOOT); 

After preprocessing, this statement will be:


printf("There are %d inches in a foot.\n", 12);


INCHES_PER_FOOT no longer appears because the symbol has been replaced by the string specified in the #define directive. This will happen for every instance of the symbol in the source file.

A macro can also be quite complicated, with significant amounts of code being added to a source file depending on specified conditions. I won’t go into this further here. I will discuss preprocessor macros in detail in Chapter 13. You will meet some mac


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