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Thursday 10 March 2022


Classification of languages:


Language is an interface among the programmer and computer hardware.

According the program development and execution efficiency languages are classified into low-level, high-level and middle level languages.


Low-level languages:

These are the languages developed and used before 60s.

These are the machine oriented languages which are difficult to learn and practice.

Prior knowledge in computer organization (technical knowledge) is needed to learn these languages.

These languages have low program development efficiency and high program execution efficiency (difficult to develop but effective in execution).


Machine language

Assembly language (ALP).


High-level languages:

These are the programmer friendly languages.

Simple English words, operators and expressions made the language easy to learn and practice. 

Any body from any field can learn these languages to develop software according to their requirement.

These languages have high program development efficiency and low program execution efficiency (Easy to develop but slow in execution).


BASIC (Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code).

            -Used to develop small applications.

COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)

            -Used to develop business applications


            -Used to develop scientific applications.

FORTRAN (Formula Translation)


Middle level languages:

According to the program development and execution efficiency, the performance of these languages is existed in between both the low-level and high-level languages.


C, C++, Java etc.








Need of translator:


Natural language of computer hardware is the machine language.

Computer can’t directly understand the source code written any high-level and middle-level languages.

We need a translator to translate the source code into executable code.

According to the functional nature these are of two types.





It is a translator, translates the source code into executable code, statement after statement in a procedural order.

The executable code generated by the interpreter is executed by the computer hardware.

Interpreter accepts the data from either the user or from other source while executing the program.

Need both the source code and interpreter every time we execute the program.










It is a translator; translates the total source code into executable code at once.

The executable code generated by the compiler is used as an application (software).

We no more require either the source code or compiler once the, compiler produces the executable code.

Most of the languages like C, C++, and Pascal etc. use compiler.










A C-program can’t directly interact with the computer, needs a compiler. There are different compilers available to translate the source code into executable code.

Examples: Turbo C, Borland C, ANSI C and Quick C etc.








History of C-Language:


Up to 60’s different low-level and high-level languages were used develop different applications in different fields.


ALGOL-60 is the language developed by International Community during 1960.

It is a general purpose language may be used to develop any application in any field.

But, it is an abstract language.


CPL (combined programming language) is developed by Cambridge University during 1963.

It is used on special purpose.

It is difficult to learn.


BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) is developed by Martin Richards at Cambridge University during 1967.

It is a general purpose language.

It is easy to learn.


B is the simplified version of BCPL developed by Ken Thomson at AT&T’s Bell laboratories during 1970.

It is developed for DEC-PDP 7 to deal with specific purpose.


C is the development version of B-Language.

 It is a general purpose language developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T’s Bell laboratories during 1972.

It is the language of UNIX. Most of the UNIX and its software’s are developed in C-Language.

Though C is developed on DEC-PDP 11 under UNIX operating system, it can be used on many operating systems including MS-DOS.

In 1983 ANSI established a committee whose goal was to produce “an unambiguous and machine independent definition”.

C got ANSI standards during 1989. It has also adapted the standards of ISO. The first version of ANSI/ISO C is released during 1990.





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